Obviously I havne't written to this site in like a year... That's because Avery has her own website now, full of pictures, videos and blogs from yours truly!
Please check out her website... babyhwang.shutterfly.com
See you there!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
We're home!
This blog is a little overdue... We've been home from my parents' house for a week now. It was so nice and comforting to stay with my parents and have my mom look after Avery for me so I can take naps and prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for me. Since I had a Caesarian birth, it was more necessary to have some help for the first couple weeks. The recovery was quicker than I thought and not as bad... The first week after I came home from hospital was a little painful and hard to get out of bed but I managed to go to Avery's doctors' visit with Paul. By second week, there was little pain left except when I was getting out of bed. I even drove myself to my doctors' appointment during my second week. By third week, there was little pain getting in and out of bed. The websites and books made caesarian recovery sound horrifying and long but it was not like that at all. There is still little sensation in my lower stomach though... But I must say, my tummy is getting flatter by day. Yay!!!!!

A week ago, Avery and I returned to our home in LA. With Paul gone at work, it's been nice to spend all day with Avery getting to know her and taking care of her. I don't know how I'll return to work in July. I can't imagine it! I can't believe she's already 6 weeks old! Avery does something new everyday. These days, she started to coo and make all kinds of noises and make these huge smiles at mommy and daddy. She holds up her head for long periods of time now and she makes eye contact with us which is fun. She's ginormous too! We're going to the dr. tomorrow so I'll report on how much she's grown on tomorrow's blog. She slept her record of 7 hours the other night too which was heavenly! She eats, poops and sleeps a lot.
Below are some recent pics of our little princess!

Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
We celebrated our first mother's day as parents! Having Avery in our lives has been the best blessing... She's been such a wonderful little baby so far. She started sleeping for 5 hours straight at night and not sleeping much during the day. She's acting like such a big girl that we keep forgetting that she's only a little over 3 weeks old! She's eating a lot these days too and started to wear size 3 months. Wow! She's a cutie-pie though.

For mother's day, Paul asked my mom to watch Avery and took me to get my hair cut and for a manicure and pedicure. It was such a nice treat to be pampered! I was looking pretty nasty these days! Couldn't remember the last time I blowed dried by hair! Now with my new haircut and great looking hands and feet, I feel wonderful.
On Sunday, we took Avery to church for the first time. My mom's friends met Avery for the first time and they thought she was so cute and pretty! It never gets old hearing people say how cute she is, haha! When we got home, Paul watched Avery so I can take a loooong nap. Paul and my brother also made mexican dinner for my mom, Gina and me so we don't have to do anything. It was awesome. After dinner, my niece Minji entertained us! Too cute. It was an awesome mother's day!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009
First Dr. Visit
Avery went to her first pediatrician appointment on Friday. It was pretty hectic trying to get mommy, daddy and Avery ready to get out of the house in the morning. Early morning appointment was not a good idea.. Now I understand why my friends who have babies or kids are always running late and never on-time. Whole new found respect for mommies out there! Avery put on her special outfit that daddy got her and we were off to see Dr. Beesley.
At the Dr.'s office, all other babies cried in the waiting area except Avery! She slept quietly in her carseat. She was an angel. She even played and smiled the whole time during the exam! Dr. Beesley said "she's a keeper... You should definitely keep her." Yup, she's a keeper! She sleeps for 3 hour stretches and never cries... She's really an angel. I remember my friend Sara saying after the birth of her son, "He's so easy, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop." That's how I feel these days. Avery is fed around midnight, then she wakes up once around 4am and then sleeps till 7am or so. But boy, does she eat!!! She is a porker! We don't really hear her cry since she wakes up and plays by herself until we come to feed her.
Our Avery grew in the last week! She is now 8 pounds 11.5 ounces and 20.25 inches. Yay! Although pregnancy and delivery was a little rough, having a fully developed, healthy baby was all worth it. She is already so alert and strong.

At the Dr.'s office, all other babies cried in the waiting area except Avery! She slept quietly in her carseat. She was an angel. She even played and smiled the whole time during the exam! Dr. Beesley said "she's a keeper... You should definitely keep her." Yup, she's a keeper! She sleeps for 3 hour stretches and never cries... She's really an angel. I remember my friend Sara saying after the birth of her son, "He's so easy, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop." That's how I feel these days. Avery is fed around midnight, then she wakes up once around 4am and then sleeps till 7am or so. But boy, does she eat!!! She is a porker! We don't really hear her cry since she wakes up and plays by herself until we come to feed her.
Our Avery grew in the last week! She is now 8 pounds 11.5 ounces and 20.25 inches. Yay! Although pregnancy and delivery was a little rough, having a fully developed, healthy baby was all worth it. She is already so alert and strong.

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Avery Eunae Hwang is born!!!!
It's been a while since my last blog but lots have happened since then. Our little angel, Avery Eunae Hwang was born on April 16th at 6:30pm at Good Samaritan Hospital. She was a whopping 8 pounds 4 ounces and 20 inches long. Since my last blog called "Game Plan," things went a little different than we all expected and I feel the need to document the happenings of April 16th in this blog to show my daughter one day what an ordeal I went through to have her when she says her first "mommy, how could you do that to me?" haha!
We were admitted at Good Samaritan Hospital at midnight on April 16th. We began dripping Pitocin around 1:30am to induce labor. By 8 am, I was 3cm dilated and was having pretty strong contractions. Around 9am, Dr. Bohn broke my bag of water and that was painful! I was given Epidural around 1pm or so but I tried to go on with as little epidural as possible since I heard that epidural may slow contractions and I didn't want to be completely numb when the time to push came. By 3pm, I was 6cm dilated and doing well and the contractions were out of this world!!! They were coming at less than 2 minutes apart and lasted a minute or so.. So as soon as I got through the contraction, another one came in a flash. Paul and I were excited and thought that we would have a baby by late night. But around 4pm, the baby's heartrate slowed a little and we had to turn off Pitocin for an hour. When her heartrate returned to normal, we turned Pitocin back on but by then, I was bleeding pretty badly. We waited another hour for the bleeding to stop and by 6pm, the doctor told us that the baby dropped suddenly and made my cervix so swollen that it was impossible for the baby to come out vaginally. The only choice was to have a C-section which was a hard news to hear but by that point, I was so tired from my 18-hour labor that I welcomed the surgery.
Paul and I were in the operating room, Paul with his video camera in hand, and the doctor called out, "look at the size of this head!" Then we heard "your baby is huge, there is no way she would have come out of you vaginally anyways." I wish we knew that earlier before our 18-hour labor!!! THEN we heard the most amazing sound ever! The sound of our little girl crying. Paul went to cut the unbilical cord and yelled out "she looks like an Avery." We were debating between the names Avery and Emma and decided that we'll choose a name after we saw her in person. She was an Avery! Paul brought her over to me while I was being closed up and she was just beautiful and I could not believe that she came out of my body! It was the happiest day of my life hands down!

We were admitted at Good Samaritan Hospital at midnight on April 16th. We began dripping Pitocin around 1:30am to induce labor. By 8 am, I was 3cm dilated and was having pretty strong contractions. Around 9am, Dr. Bohn broke my bag of water and that was painful! I was given Epidural around 1pm or so but I tried to go on with as little epidural as possible since I heard that epidural may slow contractions and I didn't want to be completely numb when the time to push came. By 3pm, I was 6cm dilated and doing well and the contractions were out of this world!!! They were coming at less than 2 minutes apart and lasted a minute or so.. So as soon as I got through the contraction, another one came in a flash. Paul and I were excited and thought that we would have a baby by late night. But around 4pm, the baby's heartrate slowed a little and we had to turn off Pitocin for an hour. When her heartrate returned to normal, we turned Pitocin back on but by then, I was bleeding pretty badly. We waited another hour for the bleeding to stop and by 6pm, the doctor told us that the baby dropped suddenly and made my cervix so swollen that it was impossible for the baby to come out vaginally. The only choice was to have a C-section which was a hard news to hear but by that point, I was so tired from my 18-hour labor that I welcomed the surgery.
Paul and I were in the operating room, Paul with his video camera in hand, and the doctor called out, "look at the size of this head!" Then we heard "your baby is huge, there is no way she would have come out of you vaginally anyways." I wish we knew that earlier before our 18-hour labor!!! THEN we heard the most amazing sound ever! The sound of our little girl crying. Paul went to cut the unbilical cord and yelled out "she looks like an Avery." We were debating between the names Avery and Emma and decided that we'll choose a name after we saw her in person. She was an Avery! Paul brought her over to me while I was being closed up and she was just beautiful and I could not believe that she came out of my body! It was the happiest day of my life hands down!
In labor approx. hour 3 - Still happy

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Game Plan
Ok! We now have a game plan! Paul and I just got back from the dr. appointment. By the way, tomorrow is Paul's birthday so please wish him a happy day!
Our due date was Saturday and it has obviously passed. We listened to the baby's heartbeat which was just fine and she moved around thoughout the whole checkup which the Dr. said was a sign of a happy healthy baby. But since our baby was in the 60th percentile in the size department 3 weeks ago when we measured her and the baby is obviously healthy right now, she recommended that we not wait too long to have this baby... The longer we wait, the less happy the baby will be and the harder it'll be for me to have a baby naturally without a c-section. So! The doctor did a simple procedure today that might bring on labor naturally sometime today or tomorrow. If the contractions do not come naturally by the end of tomorrow, then we have an appointmet at midnight to go to the hospital to be induced. So we'll have a baby for sure either Thursday or Friday morning at the latest if the induction takes a long time.
If the baby decides to come all on her own, then there is a chance that she'll be born on Paul's birthday! That'd be awesome. What could be a better birthday gift to Paul than a baby girl!
Our due date was Saturday and it has obviously passed. We listened to the baby's heartbeat which was just fine and she moved around thoughout the whole checkup which the Dr. said was a sign of a happy healthy baby. But since our baby was in the 60th percentile in the size department 3 weeks ago when we measured her and the baby is obviously healthy right now, she recommended that we not wait too long to have this baby... The longer we wait, the less happy the baby will be and the harder it'll be for me to have a baby naturally without a c-section. So! The doctor did a simple procedure today that might bring on labor naturally sometime today or tomorrow. If the contractions do not come naturally by the end of tomorrow, then we have an appointmet at midnight to go to the hospital to be induced. So we'll have a baby for sure either Thursday or Friday morning at the latest if the induction takes a long time.
If the baby decides to come all on her own, then there is a chance that she'll be born on Paul's birthday! That'd be awesome. What could be a better birthday gift to Paul than a baby girl!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Mommy's ready!
Ok, princess, mommy and daddy are ready for you!!!

We have officially now reached 40 weeks. Tomorrow is our due date and our little girl seems to not want to come out at all anytime soon. We had our doctor's appointment yesterday and Dr. Bohn said I was a little over 1cm dilated and a bit effaced. We made another appointment for Tuesday at which time we'll talk about our options...
Our little girl is definitely a Hwang! She'll be fashionably late coming out to the world but she'll come out dancing and having a great time! Being a very large family with parents, 5 boys, 2 wives and now 2 babies, Hwang family is rarely on-time but we always have a great time wherever we go!
Below is what I hope is my last belly picture I took today...

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