A week ago, Avery and I returned to our home in LA. With Paul gone at work, it's been nice to spend all day with Avery getting to know her and taking care of her. I don't know how I'll return to work in July. I can't imagine it! I can't believe she's already 6 weeks old! Avery does something new everyday. These days, she started to coo and make all kinds of noises and make these huge smiles at mommy and daddy. She holds up her head for long periods of time now and she makes eye contact with us which is fun. She's ginormous too! We're going to the dr. tomorrow so I'll report on how much she's grown on tomorrow's blog. She slept her record of 7 hours the other night too which was heavenly! She eats, poops and sleeps a lot.
Below are some recent pics of our little princess!