First trimester was absolutely no fun at all!!! Other than the excitement of finding out that we're having a baby and occassional ultrasounds, it was full of morning sickness, vomitting, sleepiness and loss of appetite. I did not want to eat ANYTHING.. But I was constantly hungry! I would force myself to eat and then an hour later, I'd have to force myself again! I did find two things I can stomach.... Turkey sandwich from Ralphs deli counter which Paul diligently supplied everyday for a whole week and BBQ chicken salad from CPK which I ate everyday for almost 2 weeks for lunch.
I heard from many people that second trimester is the most pleasant time during the pregnancy and that morning sickness and sleepiness suddenly disappear. Wow, that is so true! Once I hit week 12, I was feeling better than before I got pregnant! I still couldn't eat much and I had to eat slowly but there was no nausea or vomitting or sleepiness! I also noticed my belly starting to protrude a little bit. I had Andrea checking my stomach every day at work for progress...
The beginning of second trimester was marked by my birthday! Turned 33.. Ouch! I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday than to see a picture of our baby on the ultrasound! We had an appointment with Dr. Bochner for our baby's first down syndrome test. It really is a nervous and scary time but once we saw our little baby kicking around on the ultrasound, I was no longer nervous and was so sure that he/she was just fine. At one point, our baby waved at us as if he/she knew that we were looking at him! I'm happy to report that the down syndrome test came back with a very very very low probability! Praise the Lord!
Below is our first belly picture from 14.5 weeks... Sorry for lifting the shirt but I had to for full effect...

Funny thing about my second trimester experience was that I enjoyed and craved potatos! I hated potatos pre-pregnancy. I hated food that had potato in them or french fries. But in my second trimester, I couldn't get enough of fries! I also craved burgers once in a while. Thank God for Astro Burgers! Yum yum!
By week 18, I couldn't wear any more of my old pants with bella band. Bella band was the best thing that was ever invented for pregnant women but by week 18, I had to move on to maternity pants. Getting dressed in the morning was such a drag.... But the growing belly made it all worth it. Paul bought me a a few pairs of maternity pants for my birthday and those pants which were falling off my body in September were now actually fitting!
Below is a pic from week 17...