Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Wow, a year goes by so quickly... I feel like I blinked and Paul and I've already been married a year! I guess when you're blissfully happy, time flies at lightning speed...

Monday was our 1-year wedding anniversary. Since I had a work dinner, we celebrated on Sunday instead, and because I can't eat half of the things on the menu at my favorite restaurants (rare steaks, raw fish, etc.), we decided to make dinner at home and enjoy each other's company with our baby in my tummy. I was cooking dinner and being the surprise-addict that Paul is, he surprised me with a gift and a card with most sweet words... My husband is such a romantic when he wants to be! Since I've been complaining that I feel fat and not so pretty, he bought me a beautiful fancy necklace that I can accessorize my not-so-pretty maternity clothes with. Such a sweetheart! It was a perfect first anniversary celebration!

On Wednesday, we had our 5-month check-up with Dr. Bohn. Since we're doing an ultrasound next week with Dr. Bochner (to NOT find out the sex of the baby), we just did the doppler heartbeat monitoring and basic check-up. My biggest worry so far in this pregnancy has been that I was not gaining any weight.. WELL! No worries there anymore! It turns out, I gained 7 pounds in 1 month! Ouch... So that's 8 pounds total so far. If I gain 1 pound per week, I'll be at my target weight gain of 28 pounds. I was so happy to hear that I've gained some weight. But may be I should slow down the eating a bit now...? Our baby's heart rate was 140 beats per minute and the beats were so strong and loud! Yay!!! Good boy/girl! We also got the results to the blood test that tested for down syndrome, other birth defects and 10 other things I couldn't understand and the results came back all negative! Paul says now that I've got the weight thing under control, I'll have to find something else to worry about since I seem to worry about something all the time... Do I really worry that much? I guess I do!

Last night, we took another picture of my belly... This is our week 20 (almost) picture:

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