For thanksgiving, Paul, baby girl and I traveled to Philadelphia to visit Paul's family. All of his brothers congregated from Korea as well. It was so fun to see everyone and hang out for a few days with uninterrupted face-time! It was especially nice to see Judy (1st brother, Dave's wife) and share our pregnancy stories since she's only 2 weeks ahead of us on the pregnancy journey. Below is a picture of the Hwang family at church:

We had a nice family + friends thanksgiving dinner at home and spent the rest of the night watching the beloved Eagles game. We cooked so much turkey, we had turkey for dinner and again for lunch the next day.... AND there was a lot left for the littlest brother to take to college. I think we cooked 2- 14lb turkeys. crazzzzy.

I think I gained like 5 pounds on this trip! By the way, our baby girl kicked and punched the entire ride home in the plane.... Hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving!
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