I've been feeling our baby move around for about a week now. It feels like there is a little gold fish swimming around in there at times. I was driving to Church yesterday and I felt a little squirming feeling in my lower stomach. So amazing! I wish Paul can feel these crazy movements too. Hopefully soon, he'll be able to feel our baby kicking....
To close my baby thought for today, I want to share a picture of our favorite baby... Our niece, Minji!!! She's the cutest thing in the whole world and I hope we have a baby as cute as her!
1 comment:
yum, shabu shabu :) that was one of the few things i could eat during morning sickness! i think it's one of the healthiest pregnancy meals for sure! glad your enjoying your new appetite!
dave could feel the baby kicking last week which was mid way through week 20 for us so Paul should be able to feel your baby really soon! dave's been bonding a lot more, lately, now that he knows it's a girl and can feel her moving around. it's been so much fun!
it's really good to see you enjoying your pregnancy through this blog :)
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